The determination of an accurate isotope dependent potential energy surface for water from extensive ab initio calculations and experimental data
- 15 March 1997
- journal article
- Published by AIP Publishing in The Journal of Chemical Physics
- Vol. 106 (11) , 4618-4639
We report on the determination of a high quality ab initio potential energy surface (PES) and dipole moment function for water. This PES is empirically adjusted to improve the agreement between the computed line positions and those from the HITRAN 92 data base with for H O. The changes in the PES are small, nonetheless including an estimate of core (oxygen electron correlation greatly improves the agreement with the experiment. Using this adjusted PES, we can match 30 092 of the 30 117 transitions in the HITRAN 96 data base for H O with theoretical lines. The 10, 25, 50, 75, and 90 percentiles of the difference between the calculated and tabulated line positions are and cm Nonadiabatic effects are not explicitly included. About 3% of the tabulated line positions appear to be incorrect. Similar agreement using this adjusted PES is obtained for the O and O isotopes. For HD O, the agreement is not as good, with a root-mean-square error of 0.25 cm for lines with This error is reduced to 0.02 cm by including a small asymmetric correction to the PES, which is parameterized by simultaneously fitting to HD O and D O data. Scaling this correction by mass factors yields good results for T O and HTO. The intensities summed over vibrational bands are usually in good agreement between the calculations and the tabulated results, but individual line strengths can differ greatly. A high-temperature list consisting of 307 721 352 lines is generated for H O using our PES and dipole moment function.
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