Urethroplasty Using the Pedicled Island Flap Technique in Complicated Urethral Strictures

Many techniques have been described for the repair of recurrent urethral strictures. Experience with 1-stage correction of hypospadias and epispadias, using a vascularized island flap technique, has led to its increased application for complicated adult urethral strictures. The advantage of the vascularized island flap technique is that reconstruction can be completed with only 1 operation, and it provides good subjective and objective results. Analysis of 50 consecutive cases treated by this approach has proved its validity. Of the 50 cases fistulas occurred in 20%, of which 12% required surgical correction, and stricture recurred in 32%. The largest proportion of recurrence was noted in patients who were primarily treated with 3 or more urethrotomies within a short time. Therefore, we recommend open surgical repair when 1 or 2 internal urethrotomies fail to produce a good result.