I previously proposed that identified and mapped genes with effects on 1 or more types of aggression in mice may be used as behavioral, biological, or genic models for 1 or more types of human aggression. Currently, there is some evidence for effects of 11 genes on at least 1 type of mouse aggression. These are Ar, CamK2a, Enk, Estr, Hlr, Htrlb, Maoa, Nosl, Sry, Sts, and Tgfa. Because there are homologous genes in the human genome, these genes and their effects on different types of aggression are considered as a prologue to exploring their use as animal models of human aggression. Then, the use of such genetic variants as animal models will be considered at the behavioral level for impulsive aggression, at the biological level for the effects of serotonin on impulsive aggression, and at the genic level for the effects of a monoamine oxidase A variant on impulsive aggression.