VH replacement in rearranged immunoglobulin genes

Summary: Examples suggesting that all or part of the VH segment of a rearranged VHDJH may be replaced by all or part of another VH have been appearing since the 1980s. Evidence has been presented of two rather different types of replacement. One of these has gained acceptance and has now been clearly demonstrated to occur. The other, proposed more recently, has not yet gained general acceptance because the same effect can be produced by polymerase chain reaction artefact. We review both types of replacement including a critical examination of evidence for the latter. The first type involves RAG proteins and recombination signal sequences (RSS) and occurs in immature B cells. The second was also thought to be brought about by RAG proteins and RSS. However, it has been reported in hypermutating cells which are not thought to express RAG proteins but in which activation‐induced cytidine deaminase (AID) has recently been shown to initiate homologous recombination. Re‐examination of the published sequences reveals AID target sites in VH‐VH junction regions and examples that resemble gene conversion.