Research Report: The Role of Behavioral Modeling in Computer Skills Acquisition: Toward Refinement of the Model

Recent empirical work by Compeau and Higgins (1995) investigated the role of behavioral modeling training in the development of computer skills. Their efforts have provided insight into our understanding of the role of computer self-efficacy (CSE) and behavioral modeling (BM) techniques with regard to training effectiveness. Contrary to their expectations, however, several of the hypothesized relationships were not supported, especially those relating to outcome expectancy. In this paper, an empirically derived model of the CSE construct proposed by Marakas, Yi, and Johnson (1998) is offered to highlight potential theoretical, methodological, and measurement issues which may have contributed to or exacerbated the unexpected results obtained in the Compeau and Higgins study. The empirical work contained herein is intended to both replicate and extend the work of Compeau and Higgins and to assist in resolving several key issues left unsettled by their seminal work in this area.