Identification of cDNAs associated with late dedifferentiation in adult newt forelimb regeneration

Epimorphic limb regeneration in the adult newt involves the dedifferentiation of differentiated cells to yield a pluripotent blastemal cell. These mesenchymal‐like cells proliferate and subsequently respond to patterning and differentiation cues to form a new limb. Understanding the dedifferentiation process requires the selective identification of dedifferentiating cells within the heterogeneous population of cells in the regenerate. In this study, representational differences analysis was used to produce an enriched population of dedifferentiation‐associated cDNA fragments. Fifty‐nine unique cDNA fragments were identified, sequenced, and analyzed using bioinformatics tools and databases. Some of these clones demonstrate significant similarity to known genes in other species. Other clones can be linked by homology to pathways previously implicated in the dedifferentiation process. These data will form the basis for further analyses to elucidate the role of candidate genes in the dedifferentiation process during newt forelimb regeneration. Developmental Dynamics 233:347–355, 2005.