A study of the mechanical properties of the twitch motor units in the ankle extensor muscles of bullfrogs was undertaken to expand our view of the diversity of motor unit properties among vertebrates. Two muscles were chosen that represent a wide range of extensor function: the plantaris longus (PL) is a large muscle providing most of the force for ankle extension in hopping and swimming, and the tibialis posticus (TP) is relatively small and may act as an ankle stabilizer or be primarily postural in function. Both muscles have highly fatigable motor units, but also some (especially in TP) low or non-fatigable ones. Mean tetanic tensions of motor units in both muscles are relatively large as compared with those of mammals but are especially large in PL, No clear correlations were found between contraction times and either motor unit tetanic tensions or fatigability, nor did the motor units fall into clearly defined types based on any functional parameters. Overall contraction and relaxation times are slow compared with those of mammals and are somewhat slow compared to those of other frogs; unlike results from earlier studies, the large units of PL are slower than the small units of TP. This results in PL units reaching fused tetani at lower stimulus frequencies. The twitch/tetanus and force/frequency ratios in PL motor units are much larger than those of TP, giving PL units greater relative forces at lower stimulus rates. These results are discussed in the context of motor unit function.