Abstract: Gjessing, H.‐J. 1986. Function Analysis as a Way of Subgrouping the Reading Disabled: Clinical and Statistical Analyses. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 30, 95‐106. The terms reading desability and dyslexia are briefly discussed, as well as the definition and meaning of function analysis as a way of diagnosing behavior and difficulties in reading and spelling. The writer's clinically founded model for grouping reading disability/ dyslexia in different types is represented and explained, as are parts of the extensive registration system used for function analysis. The model is compared with other subgrouping models for reading disability/dyslexia. The problems of validation of subgrouping models, clinical and statistical, are discussed and related to recent results from the ‘Bergen Study of Learning Disabled Children’. This is a longitudional study, encompassing 3000 school children in Bergen, Norway, so far followed from grade 1 to grade 4.

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