Inferences on the Genome Structure of Progenitor Maize Through Comparative Analysis of Rice, Maize and the Domesticated Panicoids

Corn and rice genetic linkage map alignments were extended and refined by the addition of 262 new, reciprocally mapped maize cDNA loci. Twenty chromosomal rearrangements were identified in maize relative to rice and these included telomeric fusions between rice linkage groups, nested insertion of rice linkage groups, intrachromosomal inversions, and a nonreciprocal translocation. Maize genome evolution was inferred relative to other species within the Panicoideae and a progenitor maize genome with eight linkage groups was proposed. Conservation of composite linkage groups indicates that the tetrasomic state arose during maize evolution either from duplication of one progenitor corn genome (autoploidy) or from a cross between species that shared the composite linkages observed in modern maize (alloploidy). New evidence of a quadruplicated homeologous segment on maize chromosomes 2 and 10, and 3 and 4, corresponded to the internally duplicated region on rice chromosomes 11 and 12 and suggested that this duplication in the rice genome predated the divergence of the Panicoideae and Oryzoideae subfamilies. Charting of the macroevolutionary steps leading to the modern maize genome clarifies the interpretation of intercladal comparative maps and facilitates alignments and genomic cross-referencing of genes and phenotypes among grass family members.