The influence of pressure on lattice vibrations in two molecular crystals, the ring-molecule elemental crystal orthorhombic sulfur and the layer-structure chalcogenide crystal As2 S3, has been measured by observations of their first-order Raman-scattering spectra at pressures to 10 kbar. Experimental results on the many Raman-active modes in each of these crystals reveal that, in contrast to network crystals, the compression-induced shifts of the optical-phonon frequencies in molecular crystals are strikingly inconsistent with the usual frequency-volume Grüneisen scaling law. Far from being frequency independent, the mode-Grüneisen parameter γi=(Δν¯iν¯i) (ΔVV)1 varies strongly and systematically with mode frequency ν¯i over the optical-phonon spectrum, falling sharply from values of order 1 at low frequencies to values of order 102 at high frequencies. γi is thus of "normal" size for external modes but is "anomalously" small for internal modes. Although we must abandon ν¯iVγ (with γ independent of i) for molecular crystals, the idea of a basic vibrational scaling law can be preserved in the form of the bond-stiffness-bond-length relation kr6γ. Here k is the force constant, r the bond length, and γ the bond-scaling parameter of order unity which is presumed to apply to both intramolecular and intermolecular forces. By superimposing such a microscopic k(r) scaling law on a very simple model for a molecular crystal, the overall aspects of the observed behavior under pressure are well reproduced. This elementary analysis reveals, in broad agreement with experiment, that the gross behavior of γi with ν¯i is roughly γiν¯i2 and that the range of magnitudes spanned by the observed mode-Grüneisen parameters reflects the range of force constants characterizing the solid.