Correlative light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry on the same section with colloidal gold.

Ultrastructural localization of growth hormone in rat anterior pituitary and of muscle-specific actin in rabbit arterial smooth muscle cells was accomplished with a post-embedment procedure using colloidal gold. Plastic sections (2 microns) were mounted on slides, deplasticized, immunostained with immunoglobulin-colloidal gold particles, re-embedded in Epon, and sectioned for electron microscopy. This procedure enabled light and electron microscopic localization of these intracellular antigens on the same section. Positive immunostaining was demonstrated with this procedure with a muscle-specific actin antibody which previously failed to localize antigenic sites by EM. The procedure described yielded staining of high specificity, with minimal background and well-preserved ultrastructure. This re-embedding technique is useful in situations where problems with post-embedding EM immunostaining exist and where correlative LM and EM immunostaining is essential.

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