Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of vinyl acetate

The hydrolysis of vinyl acetate (formation of acetic acid) has been studied in vitro with rat liver and lung microsomes, rat and human plasma and purified esterases (such as acetylcholine esterase, butyrylcholine esterase, carboxyl esterase). Characterization of the kinetic parameters revealed that rat liver microsomes and purified carboxyl esterase (from porcine liver) displayed the highest activity. In order to establish the rate of metabolism of vinyl acetate in vivo, rats were exposed in closed desiccator jar chambers, and gas uptake kinetics were studied. The decay of vinyl acetate was dose-dependent, indicating possible saturation of metabolic pathway(s). The maximal clearance (at lower concentrations) of vinyl acetate from the system (30 000 ml/h per kg body weight) was similar to the maximal ventilation rate in this species. This indicated that under conditions when metabolic enzymes are not saturated the metabolic rate is mainly determined by pulmonary uptake. The exposure of rats to vinyl acetate resulted in a transient exhalation of significant amounts of acetaldehyde into the closed exposure system. This indicates the presence of this metabolic intermediate of vinyl acetate in the organism in vivo.