The predicted amino acid sequence of alpha-internexin is that of a novel neuronal intermediate filament protein.

Our laboratory recently isolated and began to characterize a 66 kd rat brain cytoskeletal protein, dubbed alpha‐internexin for its interactions in vitro with several other cytoskeletal proteins. Although alpha‐internexin bore several of the characteristics of intermediate filament (IF) proteins, including the recognition by an antibody reactive with all IF proteins, it did not polymerize into 10 nm filaments under the conditions tested. Here we show that the predicted amino acid sequence of a cDNA encoding alpha‐internexin shows the latter to be an IF protein, probably most closely related to the neurofilament proteins. Northern blotting shows that alpha‐internexin expression is brain specific, and that rat brain alpha‐internexin mRNA levels are maximal prior to birth and decline into adulthood, while the converse is seen for NF‐L, the low molecular weight neurofilament subunit, suggesting that these two proteins play different roles in the developing brain.