Erythrocyte Sodium Pump Activity in Bipolar Affective Disorder and Other Psychiatric Disorders

Erythrocyte ouabain-inhibitable sodium pump activity, a measure of NaK-ATPase activity, was studied in 6 diagnostic groups of psychiatric subjects: bipolar affective disorder, unipolar depressive disorder, neurotic depression, chronic alcohol abuse, schizoaffective disorder, and schizophrenia, and in sex- and age-matched normal controls. In the bipolar manic-depressive group, which was restricted to lithium-free subjects, values for sodium pump activity were significantly lower than in the controls (–11.4%, n = 53, p < 0.001); subgrouping of the bipolar group by sex or age showed a significantly lower sodium pump activity in each of the groups. In the unipolar depressive group, values for sodium pump activity were significantly higher than in the controls (+13.7%, n = 12, p < 0.01). The difference in direction of changed sodium pump activity between the bipolar and the unipolar groups was also observed in the values for subgroups of subjects in the two categories who were in a depressed state at the time the blood sample was taken. In the chronic alcohol abuse group, values for sodium pump activity were significantly higher than those for the control group (+13.5%, n = 20, p < 0.05). In the neurotic depression (n = 24), schizoaffective (n = 12), and schizophrenia (n = 35) groups, there were no significant differences in sodium pump activity between the group of psychiatric subjects and their matched controls. These observations indicate that there is a trait-dependent deficiency of NaK-ATPase activity in bipolar affective disorder.