Extra gauge bosons inE6

Recent developments in superstring theories have renewed interest in E6 as the group for grand unification. E6 has rank 6, two more than the standard model, so that an E6 grand unified theory can have extra gauge bosons. For example, it can have extra low-energy Z’s. If there is just one extra Z at low energy, it can be a mixture of the two extra U(1)’s present in E6. We parametrize this mixing by an angle theta. We consider the effects of Z(theta) in neutral currents, putting limits on its mass. In addition, we consider the branching ratios, Drell-Yan production, and forward-backward asymmetries for Z(theta). Another possibility is that, in addition to one extra Z, there is an extra SU(2) present in the low-energy theory. It is SU(2)I, the SU(2) which commutes with the electromagnetic charge. We consider the effects of the WI, which are electromagnetically neutral, in production of exotic particles and other rare processes, particularly flavor-changing neutral currents.