High efficiency family shuffling based on multi-step PCR and in vivo DNA recombination in yeast: statistical and functional analysis of a combinatorial library between human cytochrome P450 1A1 and 1A2

The design of a family shuffling strategy (CLERY: Combinatorial Libraries Enhanced by Recombination in Yeast) associating PCR-based and in vivo recombination and expression in yeast is described. This strategy was tested using human cytochrome P450 CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 as templates, which share 74% nucleotide sequence identity. Construction of highly shuffled libraries of mosaic structures and reduction of parental gene contamination were two major goals. Library characterization involved multiprobe hybridization on DNA macro-arrays. The statistical analysis of randomly selected clones revealed a high proportion of chimeric genes (86%) and a homogeneous representation of the parental contribution among the sequences (55.8 ± 2.5% for parental sequence 1A2). A microtiter plate screening system was designed to achieve colorimetric detection of polycyclic hydrocarbon hydroxylation by transformed yeast cells. Full sequences of five randomly picked and five functionally selected clones were analyzed. Results confirmed the shuffling efficiency and allowed calculation of the average length of sequence exchange and mutation rates. The efficient and statistically representative generation of mosaic structures by this type of family shuffling in a yeast expression system constitutes a novel and promising tool for structure–function studies and tuning enzymatic activities of multicomponent eucaryote complexes involving non-soluble enzymes.