Three new nematoda-Comesomatidae from Bermuda

From the sandy intertidal of Tucker's Town Cove, Bermuda, the following free-living nematodes are described: Paracomesoma inaequale sp. nov., Comesoma bermudense sp. nov. and Sabatieria migrans sp. nov.; the two last named belong to the most abundant nematode species of the sand flat. In some individuals of Paracomesoma inaequale and Sabatielia migrans the tip of the tail had been broken and the wound subsequently healed. Hence Sabatieria conicauda Vitiello, 1970,is possibly based upon specimens with broken tails. A new species Comesoma chilense sp. nov. is established for nematodes included by Wieser, 1954, under the name Comesoma minimum Chitwood, 1937. Comesoma sipho Gerlach, 1956,is transferred to the genus Paracomesoma Hope & Murphy, 1972.