A new kayak ergometer based on wind resistance

An ergometer for kayak paddlers has been developed and used for winter training, measurements of work capacity and maximal oxygen uptake ([Vdot]O2 max). Force is transmitted from the paddle by means of a wire connected to a flywheel mounted with six 9 × 9cm blades. Resistance, therefore, is based on wind turbulence generated by the flywheel. The mechanical efficiency of the ergometer at 63% (range 48-77) of [Vdot]O2 max was 17% (range 16-18) (n= 13). The [Vdot]O2 max was similar during bicycling (median 4·9; range 4·4-5·4l/min), arm cranking (median 4·8; range 4·3-5·11/min), on-water rowing in a kayak (median 4·7; range 4·0-4·91/min) and during rowing the kayak ergometer (median 4·8; range 4·3-5·21/min), (n = 6, p> 0·05). Work capacity during a 5 min ‘all-out’ test was 272 W (range 253–304 W) on the kayak ergometer (n = 17). The use of the ergometer for training helped to increase the aerobic power during arm exercise of Danish paddlers. Before introduction of the ergometer (February 1986), their VO2 max was 4·6 (range 3·8-5·2) 1/min while 12 months later, it was 50 (range 4·2–5·7) 1/min (n = 14, p < 0·01). The ergometer has thus been found.useful for training and evaluation of work capacity in kayak paddlers.