Electric dipole transitions within the 4f shell of a rare-earth ion are permitted if the surroundings of the ion are such that its nucleus is not situated at a center of inversion. An expression is found for the oscillator strength of a transition between two states of the ground configuration 4fN, on the assumption that the levels of each excited configuration of the type 4fNnd or 4fNng extend over an energy range small as compared to the energy of the configuration above the ground configuration. On summing over all transitions between the components of the ground level ψJ and those of an excited level ψJ, both of 4fN, the oscillator strength P corresponding to the transition ψJψJ of frequency ν is found to be given by P=ΣTλν(ψJU(λ)ψJ)2, where U(λ) is a tensor operator of rank λ, and the sum runs over the three values 2, 4, and 6 of λ. Transitions that also involve changes in the vibrational modes of the complex comprising a rare-earth ion and its surroundings, provide a contribution to P of precisely similar form. It is shown that sets of parameters Tλ can be chosen to give a good fit with the experimental data on aqueous solutions of NdCl3 and ErCl3. A calculation on the basis of a model, in which the first hydration layer of the rare-earth ion does not possess a center of symmetry, leads to parameters Tλ that are smaller than those observed for Nd3+ and Er3+ by factors of 2 and 8, respectively. Reasons for the discrepancies are discussed.