Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Females in a Juvenile Detention Center

Of 37 female adolescent prostitutes and 63 other females held in the King County, Washington, (USA) juvenile detention facility, 81 (81%) complained of vaginal discharge, and only 8 (8%) had no genitourinary symptoms. The prevalance of genital infections among prostitutes and nonprostitutes was similar. Neisseria gonorrhoeae was found in 18 (18%) of 98 detainees tested, and Chlamydia trachomatis was found in 17 (20%) of 86 detainees tested; either organism was found in 27 (32%) of 85 tested for both organisms. Also, 38 (48%) of 80 tested had trichomoniasis. No detainees had syphilis. Sixty-seven (68%) of 98 responding detainees used no contraception. Such populations deserve the attention of public programs for control of sexually transmitted diseases and for family planning.