An Analysis Technique for Multilevel and Partially Penetrating Slug Test Data

The multilevel slug test is a technique that provides data for determining the local value of hydraulic conductivity at a specific elevation. However, existing data analysis techniques developed for fully screened and/or partially screened slug tests (Cooper et al., 1967; and Bouwer and Rice, 1976) and packer slug tests (Dagan, 1978) are not adequate for application to the general multilevel case. Through the application of a numerical flow model to the problem, a new means to analyze multilevel slug test data is developed. Simulations performed for both confined and unconfined cases using a finite‐element model yield values of dimensionless discharge for a complete range of multilevel slug test geometries. Effects of anisotropy and location of instrumentation relative to aquifer boundaries are also considered. The method allows for values of horizontal hydraulic conductivity to be determined directly from slug test data. Application to experimental data is provided in an outline of the procedure