Über den Cholin- bzw. Acetylcholingehalt der menschlichen Placenta.

The significance of choline, present in the mature placenta as acetylcholine[long dash]a strong stimulant of smooth muscle[long dash]is discussed with reference to the part this substance may play in the initiation of labor. Mature normally delivered placentas contained choline equivalcnt to 132 mg. of choline chloride per kg. of fresh placental tissue; placentas preserved in alcohol, 190 mg./ kg.; fresh placentas which had stood at 37[degree] for 5 hrs., 214 mg./kg.; mature placentas delivered immediately by stimulating the uterus with pltuitrin, 59 mg./kg.; mature placentas removed manually at Caesarean section, 40 mg./kg. In 6 additional mature placentas amts. of acetylcholine were found varying from 9 to 25 mg. per kg. of placental tissue. The chemical technique for the determination of choline as choline chloride is given.

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