Carcinogen Hemoglobin Adducts, Urinary Mutagenicity, and Metabolic Phenotype in Active and Passive Cigarette Smokers

In 100 healthy volunteers, we have studied the relationship between the type (air- or flue-cured) and number of cigarettes smoked and different biomarkers relevant to the risk of bladder cancer, including the levels of 4–aminobiphenyl (ABP) hemoglobin adduct (a marker of internal dose), urinary mutagenicity in Salmonella typhimurium TA98, and the N-acetylation phenotype (a marker of susceptibility). ABP is a potent bladder carcinogen that is N-acetylated as an overall detoxification step. Levels of the ABP hemoglobin adduct were higher in smokers of black tobacco (air-cured) than in smokers of blond tobacco (flue-cured), confirming our earlier study. In addition, “slow” acetylators had higher levels of the ABP hemoglobin adduct for the same type and quantity of cigarettes smoked. Urinary mutagenicity was also associated with quantity of cigarettes but not with the acetylation phenotype. Convex dose-response relationships were found between the amount smoked and ABP hemoglobin adduct levels or urinary mutagenicity. In 15 nonsmokers who reported exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, ABP hemoglobin adduct levels, unlike urinary mutagenicity, were found to be an aspecific exposure indicator. [J Natl Cancer Inst 82:1826–1831, 1990]