Summary: A complement-fixation technique applicable to suspensions of the flagella of B. typhosus has shown that such suspensions deviate complement specifically in the presence of (a) somatic agglutinating sera, (b) pure flagellar agglutinating sera. The “antigen” which reacts with (a) is heat stable while that which reacts with (b) is not completely inactivated by exposure to 100°C. for one hour. If the labilotropic agglutinin of Felix is identical with flagellar agglutinin then the double receptor hypothesis is of doubtful validity. The possibility that the complement-fixation technique adopted by this author is unsuited for the demonstration of fixation in which the labilotropic antibody is involved is discussed. It is probable that flagella are much more sensitive to the action of agglutinating sera than are somata and, if so, the antibody content of flagellar and somatic sera cannot legitimately be compared on the basis of agglutinin titres. If the H titre of a serum gives an exaggerated impression of the amount of H antibody present the main arguments in favour of the double receptor hypothesis require reconsideration. The author desires to record his indebteness to Professor W. J. Tulloch for the facilities which he has afforded for the work described in these papers, for his constant interest and for his advice and criticism.

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