Seedlings of blue lupine (L. angustifolius) were inoculated in the greenhouse with race 1 or 2 of C. trifolii or with one of the 3 isolates of C. fragariae from North Carolina, Lousiana, or Florida [USA]. In a disease severity index (DSI) of 1-5, blue lupine was highly susceptible to race 1 or 2 of C. trifolii (DSI 4.3 and 4.9, respectively) and the 3 isolates of C. fragariae (DSI 4.5-4.9) Alfalfa (M. sativa) cv. Saranac AR and Arc were also inoculated with the 5 isolates of Colletotrichum. The DSI of ''Saranac AR'' and Arc inoculated with C. fragariae ranged 1.1-1.8 ''Saranac Ar'' was resistant to races 1 and 2 of C. trifolii (DSI 2.3 and 3.4, respectively). ''Arc'' was resistant to race 1 (DSI 2.4) and susceptible to race 2 (DSI 4.9) of C. trifolii. The host range of C. trifolii and C. fragariae was extended to include blue lupine.