Associated Slepton-Neutralino/Chargino Production at LEPxLHC

We examine for representative gaugino-higgsino mixing scenarios slepton-neutralino and slepton-chargino production in deep inelastic ep-scattering at $\sqrt{s}=1.8$ TeV. We find sneutrino-chargino production to be the dominant process with cross sections more than one order of magnitude bigger than those for slepton-squark production. Also for associated production of sneutrinos and zino-like neutralinos the cross sections are at least comparable to those for $\tilde l \tilde q$-production, whereas selectron-neutralino/chargino production is with cross sections significantly smaller than those for selectron-squark production less favorable. Typical signatures include events with up to four charged leptons, hadronic jets and, in some cases, gauge bosons.

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