Calculation of $K\to π$ matrix elements in quenched domain-wall QCD

We explore the possibility for an evaluation of non-leptonic $\Delta S=1$ $K$ decay amplitudes through the calculation of $K\to\pi$ matrix elements using domain-wall QCD. The relation between the physical $K\to\pi\pi$ matrix elements and $K\to\pi$ matrix elements deduced from chiral perturbation theory is recapitulated. Quenched numerical simulations are performed on an $16^3\times 32\times 16$ lattice at a lattice spacing $a^{-1}\approx 2$GeV for both the standard plaquette gauge action and a renormalization-group improved gauge action, and reasonable signals for $K\to\pi$ matrix elements are obtained. Preliminary results are reported on the $K\to\pi\pi$ matrix elements, and results from two actions are compared.

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