BASC: an integrated bioinformatics system for Brassica research

The BASC system provides tools for the integrated mining and browsing of genetic, genomic and phenotypic data. This public resource hosts information on Brassica species supporting the Multinational Brassica Genome Sequencing Project, and is based upon five distinct modules, ESTDB, Microarray, MarkerQTL, CMap and EnsEMBL. ESTDB hosts expressed gene sequences and related annotation derived from comparison with GenBank, UniRef and the genome sequence of Arabidopsis. The Microarray module hosts gene expression information related to genes annotated within ESTDB. MarkerQTL is the most complex module and integrates information on genetic markers, maps, individuals, genotypes and traits. Two further modules include an Arabidopsis EnsEMBL genome viewer and the CMap comparative genetic map viewer for the visualization and integration of genetic and genomic data. The database is accessible at .