Nitrite reductase gene from Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942: homology between cyanobacterial and higher-plant nitrite reductases

The gene encoding nitrite reductase (nir) from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 has been identified and sequenced. This gene comprises 1536 nucleotides and would encode a polypeptide of 56506 Da that shows similarity to nitrite reductase from higher plants and to the sulfite reductase hemoprotein from enteric bacteria. Identities found at positions corresponding to those amino acids which in the above-mentioned proteins hold the Fe4S4-siroheme active center suggest that nitrite reductase from Synechococcus bears an active site much alike that present in those reductases. The fact that the Synechococcus and higher-plant nitrite reductases are homologous proteins gives support to the endosymbiont theory for the origin of chloroplasts.