Polarization of the Electron Gas in Metals by Substitutional Impurities

The ground-state energy of the system of impurities and conduction electrons in a metal has been obtained in the high electron density limit. The procedure used is an extension of the Wentzel method applied to a reduced Hamiltonian which includes an electron-impurity interaction. It is reduced in the sense that the Coulomb interaction between electrons and the electron-impurity interaction are only effective in raising an electron in a state below the Fermi level to one above and vice versa. The ground-state energy is then obtained by a canonical transformation. The shift in energy of the ground state of the electron gas, due to the introduction of the impurities, is quadratic in the electron-impurity matrix element. Higher order processes in this matrix element do not contribute since they are represented by unlinked diagrams. Considering this shift in the ground-state energy expandable in powers of rs, a measure of the average inter-electronic distance, we show the leading or lowest order term in this parameter to go as (nne)rs12, where n is the impurity density and ne the electron density. Impurity locations are assumed random. All processes omitted in the reduction of the Hamiltonian are shown to contribute to higher powers in rs. The role of exchange is indicated.