The phosphoinositides exist in multiple metabolic pools in rabbit platelets

The labelling of the phosphoinositides and phosphatidic acid in washed rabbit platelets incubated with [32P]phosphate or [3H]glycerol was studied in the presence of isotope and after unincorporated isotope had been removed. With both isotopes the increase in the specific radioactivity of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) lagged behind that of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PIP) but the specific radioactivity remained higher after unincorporated isotope had been removed. This result was consistent with the presence of a second pool of PIP2, which interconverted slowly with the pool of PIP2 which was in direct equilibrium with PIP, proposed to explain the increase in specific radioactivity of PIP2 which accompanies the decrease in amount of PIP2 at 10 s in ADP-stimulated platelets. In platelets labelled with [3H]glycerol, the specific radioactivity of PIP2 became higher than that of PIP and the specific radioactivity of PIP became higher than that of phosphatidylinositol (PI). These results were interpreted to indicate that there were two pools of PIP; of these the pool with the higher specific radioactivity was the precursor of PIP2. Similarly, two pools of PI were proposed. The presence of pools of the phosphoinositides with different specific radioactivities necessitates the measurement of chemical amount of these compounds when studying the effect of stimulation of the platelets, since changes in labelling may not accurately reflect changes in the amount of the phosphoinositides.