The Automatic Efficient Test Generator (AETG) system

Software testing is expensive, tedious and time con- suming. Thus, the problem of making testing more ef- cient and mechanical, without losing its eectiveness, is very important. The Automatic Ecient Test Gen- erator (AETG) is a new tool that mechanically gener- ates ecient test sets from user dened test require- ments. It is based on algorithms that use ideas from statistical experimental design theory to minimize the number of tests needed for a specic level of test cover- age of the input test space. The savings due to AETG are substantial when compared to exhaustive testing or other methods of testing. AETG has been used in Bellcore for screen testing, interoperability testing and for protocol conformance testing. This paper describes the current system and it constructs and reports some preliminary results obtained during initial trials.

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