Biochemical, genetic, psychometric, and neuropsychological studies in heterozygotes of a family with globoid cell leucodystrophy (Krabbe's disease)

Detection of a patient suffering from Krabbe's disease led to carrier screening in his family. Determination of galactosylceramide β-galactosidase activity revealed the occurrence of two different alleles among the carriers of the same family. Heterozygotes and their noncarrier relatives were studied using psychometric and neuropsychological tests under blind conditions. It was found that compared to seven adult noncarrier relatives 19 adult carriers differ significantly in their general IQ and some subtests of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for adults (WISA), including spatial cognition. Reaction times were significantly slower in the carriers with enzyme activity below 25% of the control values. Most of the carriers of this family have had myopia since early childhood.