Forbidden electron attachment inO2

The electron-stimulated O desorption yield from condensed O2 exhibits three peaks around 7, 8.5, and 13 eV, while that from O2 gas shows only the 7-eV peak. The 7-eV peak is known to arise from the O2(1πu11πg2 )2 Πu compound state. In this paper the 8.5- and 13-eV peaks are shown to arise from the O2(3σg11πg2 )2 Σg+ and O2(2σu11πg2 )2 Σu+ compound states, respectively. The absence of the 8.5- and 13-eV peaks in the gas-phase spectrum presents the first experimental evidence for a forbidden electron attachment, which is due to the σ selection rule [H. Sambe and D. E. Ramaker, Chem. Phys. Lett. 139, 386 (1987)].