Clinical evaluation of DNA index in human brain tumors

We evaluated the DNA index values in 28 brain-tumor patients showing DNA aneuploidy on the DNA histogram obtained by flow cytometry. In 17 cases among them, the DNA index values were compared to BUdR labeling indices (BUdR-LI). Average DNA indices of individual tumor types were 1.89 +- 0.10 (6 glioblastomas multiforme), 1.93 +- 0.05 (4 anaplastic astrocytomas), 1.68 +- 0.09 (3 malignant meningiomas), 1.24 +- 0.03 (7 meningiomas), 1.19 +- 0.05 (2 pituitary adenomas) and 1.86 +- 0.24 (6 metastatic brain tumors). Slow-growing tumors such as meningioma and pituitary adenoma, had lower values than malignant tumors, except a case of a metastatic brain tumor. All malignant meningiomas had higher DNA index values than the other meningiomas. No difference was observed between the DNA index values of glioblastomas multiforme and anaplastic astrocytomas. DNA index values were correlated with BUdR-LI values (p < 0.05), and seven cases with low DNA index values (1.13–1.31) had low BUdR-LI values of less than 1%. Others with high DNA index values of 1.44 or more had high BUdR-LI values of 3.5% or more. These results suggest that high DNA index values is related to tumor malignancy, and despite the presence of some disparities, many slow-growing brain tumor has low DNA index values.