A gene,imz, affecting the pH sensitivity of zygote formation inPhysarum polycephalum

Mating inPhysarum polycephalum involves the fusion of two haploid amoebae and the differentiation of the resulting diploid zygote into a multinucleate plasmodium. Mating proceeds optimally with amoebae growing on an agar medium at pH 5.0. At pH 6.2, the amoebae still grow normally, but mating is completely blocked. The barrier at pH 6.2 is not in the differentiation step, since preformed diploids readily convert to plasmodia at this pH. The barrier can be overcome by raising the ionic strength of the agar medium; the effect, moreover, is not ion-specific. We have discovered a genetic locus,imz (ionicmodulation of zygote formation), that affects the upper pH limit for mating; the respective limits associated with the two known alleles,imz-1 andimz-2, are pH 5.6 and pH 6.0 at low ionic strength. Animz-1×imz-2 mating displays the pH 6.0 limit;imz-2 is therefore “dominant”. We suggest that this new gene affects a cell component that is exposed to the exterior of the amoeba and is involved in the fusion step of mating.