Thermal energy storage in a confined aquifer: Experimental results

To aid in testing the idea of storing thermal energy in aquifers, an experiment was performed by Auburn University in which 54,784 m3 of water was pumped from a shallow supply aquifer, heated to an average temperature of 55°C, and injected into a deeper confined aquifer where the ambient temperature was 20°C. After a storage period of 51 days, 55,345 m3 of water were produced from the confined aquifer. Throughout the experiment, which lasted approximately 6 months, groundwater temperatures were recorded at six depths in each of 10 observation wells, and hydraulic heads were recorded in five observation wells. In order to prevent errors due to thermal convection, most of the observation wells recording temperature had to be backfilled with sand. During the 41‐day production period, the temperature of the produced water varied from 55° to 33°C, and 65% of the injected thermal energy was recovered. At no time was an appreciable amount of free thermal convection observed in the storage formation. The dominant heat dissipation mechanisms appeared to be hydrodynamic thermal dispersion and possible mixing of cold and hot water induced by clogging and unclogging of the injection‐production well. On the basis of laboratory and field studies, it was concluded that clogging of the injection well, which constituted the major technical problem during the experiment, was caused by the freshwater‐sensitive nature of the storage aquifer. Due to the relatively low concentration of cations in the supply water, clay particles would swell, disperse, and migrate until they became trapped in the relatively small pores connecting the larger pores. Surging the pump and back washing the injection well would dislodge the clogging particles and temporarily improve the storage formation permeability. The phenomenon seems largely independent of temperature because it was reproduced in the laboratory with unheated water. It may, however, depend on pore velocity. Future research should be directed toward procedures for selecting storage aquifers that will have minimal susceptibility to clogging and other geochemical problems. Procedures for overcoming such difficulties are needed also because clogging and related phenomena will be more the rule than the exception. Designing an aquifer thermal storage system for maximum energy recovery would involve selecting an appropriate aquifer, analyzing the effects of hydrodynamic thermal dispersion and thermal convection if it is predicted to occur, anticipating geochemical problems, designing the optimum supply‐injection‐production well configuration and injecting a sufficiently large volume of heated water to realize economies of scale related to increasing volume‐surface area ratio.