A solution to the long-object problem in helical cone-beam tomography

This paper presents a new algorithm for the long-object problem in helical cone-beam (CB) computerized tomography (CT). This problem consists in reconstructing a region-of-interest (ROI) bounded by two given transaxial slices, using axially truncated CB projections corresponding to a helix segment long enough to cover the ROI, but not long enough to cover the whole axial extent of the object. The new algorithm is based on a previously published method, referred to as CB-FBP (Kudo et al 1998 Phys. Med. Biol. 43 2885-909), which is suitable for quasi-exact reconstruction when the helix extends well beyond the support of the object. We first show that the CB-FBP algorithm simplifies dramatically, and furthermore constitutes a solution to the long-object problem, when the object under study has line integrals which vanish along all PI-lines . (A PI-line is a line which connects two points of the helix separated by less than one pitch.) Exploiting a geometric property of the helix, we then show how the image can be expressed as the sum of two images, where the first image can be reconstructed from the measured CB projections by a simple backprojection procedure, and the second image has zero PI-line integrals and hence can be reconstructed using the simplified CB-FBP algorithm. The resulting method is a quasi-exact solution to the long-object problem, called the ZB method . We present its implementation and illustrate its performance using simulated CB data of the 3D Shepp phantom and of a more challenging head-like phantom.

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