Organic complementary-like inverters employing methanofullerene-based ambipolar field-effect transistors

We demonstrate a complementary-like inverter comprised of two identical ambipolar field-effect transistors based on the solution processable methanofullerene [6,6]-phenyl-C61 -butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM). The transistors are capable of operating in both the p - and n -channel regimes depending upon the bias conditions. However, in the p -channel regime transistor operation is severely contact limited. We attribute this to the presence of a large injection barrier for holes at the Au∕PCBM interface. Despite this barrier the inverter operates in both the first and third quadrant of the voltage output versus voltage input plot exhibiting a maximum gain in the order of 20. Since the inverter represents the basic building block of most logic circuits we anticipate that other complementary-like circuits can be realized by this approach.