Phosphenes were elicited by brief, intense magnetic pulses directed to the occipital area of the brain with two different magnetic stimulators and various coils. The observed phosphenes were described or sketched by the subject. Phosphenes were usually wedge-shaped flashes of light in the midperiphery, although occasionally structured phosphenes were reported (stripes or grids). The depth of effective stimulation was measured by determining the phosphene threshold for two different size coils. Additional depth measurements were made at the cortical motor strip for threshold finger twitches. The visual stimulation site was clearly deeper (approximately 4 cm) than the site for motor stimulation (approximately 2 cm), and lay near the midline. Both foveal and peripheral phosphenes had identical stimulation depths, implying a subcortical stimulation site, possibly in the optic radiation fibers adjacent to the posterior tip of the lateral ventricles. Fibers closest to the ventricle, representing the horizontal meridian of the visual field, would be preferentially stimulated, in agreement with experimental results.