Abnormal distribution of IL-6 receptor in aged MRL/lpr mice: elevated expression on B cells and absence on CD4+ cells

A mAb against murlne IL-6 receptor (IL-6R), KMH7, was obtained by immunization of hamster with recombinant soluble murlne IL-6R. Flow cytometry analysis of IL-6R distribution on lymphocytes in BALB/c showed that IL-6R was expressed on peripheral lymph node (LN) T cells of either CD4+ or CD8+ phenotype, and Peyer's patch lgA+ B cells, but not on splenic B cells and thymocytes. A similar distribution was observed In 5 week old MRL/lpr and 16-week-old MRL/n mice. In contrast, in 16 week old MRL/lpr mice of both sexes, IL-6R was expressed on splenic lgM+ cells. Peripheral LN CD4+ T cells In 16 week old female MRL/lpr mice did not express IL-6R. Thymocytes in any population with a phenotype of CD4+ or CD8+, double negative, and double positive were not stained with KMH7 In both BALB/c and MRL/lpr mice. In both strains, IL-6R was induced In CD4+ or CD8+ thymocytes after 2 days of culture, suggesting that CD4+ thymocytes in MRL/lpr have a potential to express IL-6R. Our results suggest that overexpression of IL-6R on B cells and absence of IL-6R on peripheral CD4+ cells are concurrent with, or may contribute to, B cell hyperreactlvlty and T cell abnormality in this strain.

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