Studies in the dynamics of disinfection IX. The effect of lethal temperatures on standard cultures of Bact. Coli. I. The nature of the probit-log survival-time relationship at pH 7·0

1. A study has been made of the probit-log survival-time relationship in a number of experiments in which whole standard cultures of Bact. coli were subjected to heat at temperatures ranging from 47 to 55° C.2. It is concluded that the whole mortality up to 99·99 % could not be covered by a single straightline relationship since the graphs are curves concave upwards and to the left.3. Between 95 and 99·99 % mortality the relationship approximated closely to linearity.4. Several individual experiments showed ‘humps’ in their curves. These, although always occurring at the same stage in time in the disinfections, varied in their probit levels.5. By combining the data for all experiments, an idealized probit-log survival-time curve was obtained in which the changes of slope were less marked than in the curve representing the disinfection of similar cultures by phenol.The authors wish to express their gratitude to Messrs I.C.I. (Pharmaceuticals) Ltd. for their valuable financial assistance, which has enabled one of us (H. E. F. D.) to devote his full time to this work.