Evoked Responses After Hemispherectomy

Somatosensory, visual and auditory evoked responses were studied in a left hemispherectomized patient. Median nerve stimulation and light flashes produced typical answers over only the unoperated hemisphere. However, on the operated side low voltage long latency (60–100 msec) responses of about 100 msec duration, as well as waves in the α-range, frequently were observed, originating most likely from thalamic structures. Auditory stimulation did evoke responses over both hemispheres. Surprisingly, the obvious differences between the auditory evoked responses (AERs) of the 2 hemispheres during the awakening recording disappeared during sleep, and the patterns became very similar. It was hypothesized that the AER recorded on the operated side may be generated by subcortical structures, as well as by the cerebellum.

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