In Vivo Efficacy of Anti-Glycoprotein 41, But Not Anti-Glycoprotein 120, Immunotoxins in a Mouse Model of HIV Infection

Immunotoxins (ITs) targeting the HIV envelope protein are among the most efficacious antiviral therapies when tested in vitro. Yet a first-generation IT targeted to gp120, CD4-PE40 (chimeric immunotoxin using CD4 and the translocation and enzymatic domains of Pseudomonas exotoxin A), showed limited promise in initial clinical testing, highlighting the need for improved ITs. We have used a new mouse model of HIV infection to test the comparative efficacy of anti-HIV ITs targeted to gp120 or to gp41. Irradiated SCID/nonobese diabetic mice are injected with a tumor of human CD4+ cells susceptible to infection and at a separate site persistently HIV-infected cells. The spread of infection from infected to susceptible tumor is monitored by plasma p24 and the presence of HIV-infected cells in the spleen. Anti-gp41 ITs in combination with tetrameric CD4-human Ig fusion protein have pronounced anti-HIV effects. Little if any anti-HIV efficacy was found with either CD4-PE40 or an Ab-targeted anti-gp120 IT. These data support continued exploration of the utility of ITs for HIV infection, particularly the use of anti-gp41 ITs in combination with soluble CD4 derivatives.