Childhood psychopathological antecedents in early onset schizophrenia

Objective: To describe the premorbid state of early onset schizophrenia (EOS).Methods: Twenty-three adolescents with EOS were compared to a healthy control group (CG) and to a group of anorexic patients (AG). The premorbid state was studied through the CBCL and the data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA’s andt-test.Results: During the premorbid period EOS showed significantly higher scores on all scales, relative to the CG, and only on some scales (social, thought and attention problems, and school competencies) relative to the AG.Conclusions: Children who develop first episode psychosis during adolescence differ from children with normal development. The premorbid internalizing state is common to AG but social competencies and school problems are the most affected areas in EOS when compared to the AG. It is hypothesized that both EOS and AG can be considered as the expression of a previous vulnerability.