GiantE1resonances inBe8from the reactionLi7(p,γ)Be8

The giant electric dipole resonances based on the ground state (0+) and first excited state (2+) of Be8 have been studied with the reactions Li7(p,γ0)Be8 and Li7(p,γ1)Be8 over the range Ep=0.8 to 17.6 MeV. Both resonances show a simple resonant shape with little fine structure. The γ1 giant resonance is displaced upward from the γ0 resonance by an energy of 2.2 MeV which is approximately equal to the excitation of the 2+ state. The reduced (γ,p0) strengths of the two resonances are approximately equal and each exhausts about 10% of the E1 sum rule. The angular distributions for both γ0 and γ1 are quite constant over the giant resonance structure and are predominantly dipole in character. A simple model can be invoked to explain the dominant E1 features. The presence of P1(cosθ) and P3(cosθ) terms in both angular distributions indicates E2 strength which probably increases above the E1 resonances. Some parameters for the narrow levels at 18.15 and 19.06 MeV in Be8 are given.

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