Rydberg-atom - ion collision: classical theory of intrashell transitions

Transitions between states with the same principal quantum number n in the collision of a Rydberg atom with an ion are described within the classical approximation for the Rydberg electron. The quantum electron state is represented by an ensemble of classical trajectories. Within the dipole approximation for the interaction the final value of the orbital momentum l is calculated analytically for each initial trajectory in the ensemble. Averaging over the ensemble gives the distribution function over l. For the initial s state of the Rydberg atom the distribution functions are found also for the pairs of variables, namely: {the angular momentum; its projection on the collision velocity}; {projections of the angular momentum and the Runge - Lenz vector on the collision velocity} and {projections of the angular momentum and the Runge - Lenz vector on the plane perpendicular to the collision velocity}. The l-distributions for the orbitally polarized initial p and d Rydberg states with definite projections of the initial angular momentum on the velocity axis are also obtained. The influence of the non-Coulomb core is taken into account by an approximation. The final l-distributions (calculated for the initial s-state) are shifted towards the large-l values as the relative collision velocity vn decreases. Good agreement is achieved with the recent experimental data for Na(28d) and Na(26d) Rydberg atoms.