The freezing characteristics of cauliflower curd

Summary: Cultivar differences in frost resistance and the heritable nature of resistance were demonstrated using seedling cauliflower plants. Such cultivar differences were not however expressed in the curd. Selection for frost resistance in cauliflower should therefore use whole plant screening techniques.Curd material when frozen as isolated florets, supercooled over the range – 1°C to – 12°C and the mean freezing point of all curds tested was ‐6°C to ‐7.25°C (overall mean ‐6.44°C). Curd florets which supercooled but did not freeze were completely undamaged, whereas freezing always led to cell damage and death observed as water‐soaking of the floret surface and measured using an electrical conductivity method. The large range of freezing points measured suggests a range of active ice nucleators either on or within the florets. When curds were frozen intact the ability of florets to supercool was severely restricted which was attributed to the seeding of freezing by the internal growth of ice crystals. A crop protection strategy needs to identify and control or modify warm temperature nucleators in cauliflower curd.