Hemiacidrin Irrigation of Renal Pelvic Calculi in Patients With Ileal Conduit Urinary Diversion

Five quadriplegic patients ureteroileocutaneous urinary diversion and recurrent renal calculi underwent 8 episodes of renal pelvic irrigation with hemiacidrin solution. Irrigations were done either via a nephrostomy tube or transileostomy ureteral catheters with close monitoring of urine sterility and serum Mg. The stones were dissolved totally in 3 of 4 patients. There were no serious complications encountered during the irrigations and the only failure was in a patient with a single ureteral catheter. Serum Mg levels were elevated midly in 2 patients, both of whom experienced concomitant nausea and this was relieved by discontinuing the irrigations. Hemiacidrin irrigation into collecting systems that contain interposed bowel appears to be a safe and effective form of therapy for stones.