Changes in Vestibulo-ocular Reflex of Elderly People

Dizziness is a common symptom in elderly people. Head autorotation test (HART) has earlier shown no significant vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) disturbances in healthy elderly subjects. We used our recently developed HART to determine VOR in 14 elderly volunteers without otoneurological diseases and sedative medications. Gain and phase were determined in 5 frequency bands from 0.5 to 5 Hz. The gain of the elderly was significantly increased to 1.11–1.27 in the frequency range of 3–5 Hz compared with the controls. The phase lead of 7–8 degrees in the frequency bands of 2 and 4 Hz differed significantly from normative values of the controls. The percentage of the elderly to reach high-frequency head movements was diminished to 50% in the frequency band of 3 Hz and to 36% in the frequency band of 4 Hz (controls 100% and 95%, respectively). The individual HART results were abnormal in 86%) of the elderly. The high-frequency VOR of the elderly was inaccurate in magnitude and timing. More than half of aged subjects were not able to generate voluntary fast head movements. These findings may explain the high prevalence of dizziness and falls in elderly subjects.